19th Annual Kyle Hoult Memorial Food Drive
Kyle was a Beaver and a Cub with the 97th.
When Kyle was first suffering with his leukemia, he was approached by The Make a Wish Foundation.
At the tender age of six years old, his FIRST WISH was: no child should go hungry; and Kyle started his own food drive.
This year, we will still be collecting non perishable food donations for this worthy cause,
but we have also decided to donate all proceeds from our
Annual Bowling Night to "The Kyle Hoult Food Drive."
The Drive would like to see the food donations however many Food Banks can purchase more & specifically needed food at a better price, through special offers from the major food retailers.
Please consider donating goods or cash [cheque] at your convenience to the Neighbour-to-Neighbour Centre and specify that your donation be in memory of Kyle.
Neighbour to Neighbour Charitable Organization Number: 119053130RR0001