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97th Hamilton Cub Scout Red Book


We would like to welcome all our returning Cub Scouts and their families and to extend an extra welcome to our new Tenderpads and their families.  We hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready for a great year of Cubbing.


This booklet has been designed to help with all those questions you may have, and eliminate repeat notices such as equipment lists and general information.

Please find a safe and convenient spot for this booklet as you will need to refer to it from time to time during the year.


Weekly Meetings


Meetings are on Monday nights from 6:45 sharp to 8:30 p.m.




The uniform will be the official grey, long sleeved polo shirt with navy pants. 

The red and white scarf will be supplied by the group at investiture.


We wear full uniform each week unless otherwise stated in a newsletter.




If you have any questions or concerns about the uniform, please speak to a leader as soon as possible.





The weekly dues will be $5.00 per month.  The Youth are responsible for missed weeks. 

The dues go to purchase things such as craft supplies, badges earned, refreshments for special meetings, and we try to cover some admission costs for outings, where possible.



Permission Forms


When you signed this year’s registration form, you gave your child permission to take full part in all Cub Scout activities. 

That includes attending regular camps and other activities. 

Only activities deemed “high risk” will require a separate permission form.




We would ask whenever possible that you try to carpool to and from camp.  A list of names, addresses and phone numbers will be published as soon as possible after registration.  If there is a part of your information you would rather we did not publish please let us know as soon as possible.  We would appreciate a list of those parents that would be available for driving on outings.


This is a great opportunity for parents to get involved with the activities of the group and for you to get to know the other

youth in the group as well as the leaders.




All parents are welcome to come to meetings or special events.  You may have a special talent or occupation that would be of interest to all the Cub Scouts.  If you would like to share the talent or interest we want to hear about it.  We are always willing to try something new or different.  We love to have parents involved when possible.  Please feel free to offer your services for any activity.  Volunteers are always welcome and parents are welcome to come and just observe whenever they want but be warned - We may find something for you to do!



Group Committee


For those of you who do not know what the Group Committee is let us give you a brief description.  The Group Committee is a group of parents with youth in the 97th or those interested in being part of our group through previous involvement or the encouragement of a current leader or member.  They meet on the first Thursday of each month (Sept to June) to discuss the programs offered by each section, get updates on what the sections are doing, concerns we may all have and receive the financial  reports.  They are responsible for fund raising for leaders registration and group equipment etc.  If you would like to have a voice in how your group is being run, this is the place to be.  If you have a concern, this is the place to go.  All parents are invited to attend the Group Committee at any time. 


For further information contact our Group Commissioner, Brian Taylor, at 905-387-3616. or 




This is generally the responsibility of the Group Committee.  The sections always help with this and appreciate the support of all parents and families involved with the 97th. The group participates in the popcorn fundraiser. A portion of the sales go to the general fund held by the Group Committee.  We have participated in an annual bottle drive (returnable beer, wine and liquor bottles) during Christmas and also have a bowl-a-thon where all funds raised from the bowl-a-thon are equally divided among the sections.  This is a fun night for all the group members. Your support for fundraising is greatly appreciated and needed to keep the group going. Please free to suggest any fundraiser that you have been involved in and maybe of interest to us.





We are planning at least 5 camps this year.  If you have any concerns about our camping or sending your child to camp please feel free to discuss them with us. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange transportation for their child.  If you have a problem please let us knows - we do not want anyone to miss out on camp if there is something we can do to solve a problem.


Cub Scouts are to arrive at camp on Friday night between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 pm. NO EARLIER PLEASE. 


Pick up is usually 10:30 am on Sunday.


Parents are invited to arrive earlier on Sunday mornings to participate in the program, help with a hike, or help with the clean-up.

Please keep in mind that we have been out there all weekend.  We need to continue the clean up after you are gone and we do appreciate you being on time. 


The cost of each camp is usually $25.00.


You may view the Hamilton-Wentworth website at  to learn more about Camp Nemo.




Special Events


War of 1812 re-enactment Camp at Fort George, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON 


After being attended by our Sea Scouts for over 25yrs, our Cub Scouts now take part in the Junior Brigade Program as a lead up to their 1812 Scouting  Camp.  


This camp/re enactment takes palce the 3rd weekend in September.


This is a tent camp for 2nd and 3rd year Cubs.  We will be sharing the Fort George camping field with over 3,00 other Cubs and Scouts form the US and Canada in this re enactment weekend.  Activities are themed around life in 1812 and the history of the times.  While the Scouts actually participate in the 1812 re enactment, the Cubs get a chance to watch when their activities are over.  

All Cubs and Scouts paticipate in the Parade down Main St Niagara-on-the-Lake. 


Investiture of Tenderpads


This special ceremony is when the Tenderpad becomes a Cub Scout; the youth sheds his/her “White paint” and receives his/her colours

(red and white neckerchief).  Parents and family are invited to attend.



Apple Day


This is an annual event to raise funds for the upkeep of Camp Nemo. 


We are not charged to camp there because we participate in this event. 


This is a great opportunity for us all to show our pride in who we are.





Cub Fun Day & Fall Cub Camp Weekend


We at the 97th turn Cub Fun Day into a weekend camp.  


Cub Fun Day itself is an event running from 9am to about 3 pm, usually the Saturday following Apple Day.  


For further information please refer to the notice sent home


Annual Christmas Camp


We have our Christmas out at camp in mid-December. 

This involves crafts, hikes, and a full turkey dinner on Saturday.  We have lots of fun and games this weekend. 

Depending on the year’s calendar, this is sometimes the last event of the calendar year.


Kub Kar Rallies


A KUB KAR is a kit which, when completed, makes a small wooden car which we can then race on special tracks. 


In our group we have a night where an adult helps a youth with the initial design of the car and then the youth finishes it off.  This construction starts early in January. 

The Pack Rally event is during one of our  early Feb. meetings.

Following our own races, Cubs can participate in the Area Rally event.  All Cub Scouts may participate in the Area races held in Mt. Hope.  

We may also participate in Regional Rallies in Burlington or St. Catherines, Niagara, Brantfords or Cambridge, depending on interest and location.



Area Camps


A arae camp is one that involves all the packs in our division . This means we are out at camp with about 150 other Cub Scouts and their leaders.  We usually plan special events for Saturday.



Annual Church Parade


The 97th Scout Group attends the church service on this Sunday during Scouting Week to show our appreciation to our church sponsor. 

All members are encouraged to attend unless there are some religious restrictions on them attending a Christian Service.

Full Uniform is required.


Parent & Youth Banquet


This banquet is held during Scout-Guide Week as it is to remember the birthday of our founder, Lord Baden Powell. 

This is a pot luck dinner.  Every home will be contacted with information and to plan the meal.



Swim Up Ceremony


This is when a Cub Scout goes up to the Sea Scout Troop. 

In the past we have had a BBQ where all the sections hold their ceremonies.

More information will come to you when plans are made.








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